Category: ssa

  • Purity of Heart

    Purity of Heart

    A vlog post for the 14th day of Sivan. I’m talking about purity of heart and the Beatitudes.

  • Moral Theology Final

    Moral Theology Final

    My final for moral theology, discussing ministry to persons experiencing same sex attraction. Exploring the new declaration Dignitas Infinita, the essay calls for the pastoral workers in Catholic parishes to accompany those who are at differeing stages of their maturation exactly because they are created in the image and likeness of God.

  • The Backstory

    The Backstory

    There’s a new link in the top navigation called “backstory”. There’s a history and since the website is 25 years old, I thought it might be nice to update with some Throwback Thursdays and some Flashback Fridays. Just one long “hit parade”. Although it all ends before 2010. The Backstory page is dedicated to Fr…

  • Four Types of Men

    Four Types of Men

    THE SUMMER FEAST OF St Benedict is approaching (11 July) and, listening to the most recent Episode of Catholic Stuff You Should Know, I was reminded of how the Father of Western Monasticism begins his Rule. After the opening prologue, urging his spiritual sons to listen to his teaching, he lists, in Chapter 1, the…

  • The Difference

    AS POSTED OVER ON My Hebrew language blog, I’ve been wondering about these two songs. My limited skill in that language did not prevent me from hearing the same words rolled around in two very different songs. Give a listen. Turning on the captions for the first one to see an English translation. I’m sorry…

  • Our Idols Our Selves

    Our Idols Our Selves

    WHILE LISTENING to the most recent episode of Clerically Speaking, I was struck by Fr Harrison’s ruminating on his ADHD and his free will. If we make out a part of us to be “who I am” then everything is filtered through that. Father seemed to be asking if he’s created too much of a…

  • Crocheted


    FINALLY CATCHING THE Binge Bug this late in Covidtide. I’ve been Rapidly Consuming the Israeli TV Drama Srugim – סרוגים (the word means knitted or crocheted as a plural adjective) from 2008-2011. If you’ve been watching Shtisel on Netflix, this was Israeli TV’s Shtisel-before-Shtisel. Many of the ways Netflix show is said to break ground…

  • The Wholly Name

    The Wholly Name

    The Readings for the 23rd Tuesday, Tempus per Annum (C2) Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him because power came forth from him and healed them all. Luke 6:19 (NABRE) WHEN THE ANGEL Spoke to Mary (in Luke 1:32) she was told she would have a Son and she should call him Jesus. Later,…

  • Validate Me

    The Readings for the 11th Wednesday, Tempus per Annum 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward. Matthew 6:2b (NABRE) MANY RECENT CONVERSATIONS have been around the topic of seeking validation. Your host became aware of this issue leaving his job history (of nearly 25 years)…

  • The Christian & Identity – Pt 3

    THE PREVIOUS POST closed with a list of three options that apply in all cultural choices: individualized nominalism (one makes it up on their own), emergent nominalism, (one makes it up with the help of others), or objective reality (one gets to make up reactions to something that existed before one got here). The first…

  • The Christian & Identity – Pt 2

    The Christian & Identity – Pt 2

    ONCE UPON A TIME, men  —  at least  —  who acted outside of the norms of Christian culture and chose to engage in their sexual desires for other men were called Sodomites. For this reason, the present author has been accused of using the term uncritically without considering it, or “unpacking” it. On the contrary,…

  • The Christian & Identity – Pt 1

    The Christian & Identity – Pt 1

    THE STORY OF SODOM and Gomorrah will be familiar to you, if only because you have been exposed to the horror story version or the sexualized version in some movie or TV show. You may also know the Bible Version in Genesis 18 and 19. Americans (religious or not) are prone to taking brief passages…

  • Jesus’ bloody feet we track

    Jesus’ bloody feet we track

    Memorial of St Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs Readings for 7th Friday after Easter (C2) Acts 25:13b-21 John 21:15-19 He said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.” John 21:19 OUR LORD SAYS TO St Peter, “Follow me.” It…

  • What’s Love Got To Do With It (2)

    What’s Love Got To Do With It (2)

    ST THOMAS AQUINAS says that God is the one in whom essence and existence are the same. “Ipsum Esse Subsistens” (Summa Theologiae, I, q. 4, a. 2) is the phrase in Latin. It’s part of a larger discussion where St Thomas is discussing the absolute simplicity of God: there is no part or “smaller portion”…

  • 7LW: Unneeded Substitution

    7LW: Unneeded Substitution

    Today you will be with me in Paradise. TODAY WAS A BIT of a rough one for me: it began at 4AM with the news that my mom was in the hospital (but somewhat ok as compared to last night). Getting to work I was alerted to the news that one of seven speakers I…