Category: Hebrew School

  • Data Flow

    Data Flow

    What happened when I changed my Tablet from English to Hebrew. מה קרה כשהחלפתי את הטאבלט שלי מאנגלית לעברית

  • Review: The Genius of Israel

    Review: The Genius of Israel

    Listening to Kan English news has become a morning habit. I wake up at 4:30 AM in San Francisco, thirty mins after the 2:00 PM newscast is sent out from Israel. After Morning Prayers, during coffee, I have time to listen to Naomi Segal or Arieh O’Sullivan fill me in on what’s happening in the…

  • Aleph is for Analogy

    Aleph is for Analogy

    The post is an active exploration of analogy in theology by way of the letter A’s history and the silent Aleph in Hebrew, shedding light on the mystery of divine revelation and hidden prefigurement.

  • Lifting Holy Hands

    Lifting Holy Hands

    The Hebrew word לֵהוֹדוֹת (leh-hoh-doht) simultaneously conveys the concepts of “to thank” and “to confess.” In a Christian context, this suggests a profound link between confessing sins and thanking God during the Liturgy.

  • Subtleties and Acquisitions

    Subtleties and Acquisitions

    WHEN I FIRST Tested with Citizens Cafe Tel Aviv, they asked for my story with Hebrew and I noted that in college I had failed other languages, but passed all three semesters with an A/B average in Hebrew. The interviewer laughed and said it was usually the other way around. That said, I’m not exactly…

  • The Difference

    AS POSTED OVER ON My Hebrew language blog, I’ve been wondering about these two songs. My limited skill in that language did not prevent me from hearing the same words rolled around in two very different songs. Give a listen. Turning on the captions for the first one to see an English translation. I’m sorry…

  • A New Project

    A New Project

    WHEREIN I try blogging in another language. The tagline says “Now I can make typos in two languages.” It’s very simple sentences and I do use Google Translate to check myself – and for more complex constructions. I don’t promise much by way of exciting content. But I hope to be able to get better…

  • Homework for Hebrew Class

    Homework for Hebrew Class

    The assignment was to share a song (in Hebrew or English) that has a special meaning. Then explain (in Hebrew) why the song was important. דיברנו בשיעור על רכבות… אני ממש אוהב רכבות כי סבא שלי. בתקופת השפל הגדול סבא היה “נווד”. הוא נסע ברכבות בכל רחבי ארה”ב לכן הוא אהב רכבות כל חייו. כשהייתי…

  • The Echo Here is Amazing

    The Echo Here is Amazing

    YOUR HOST HAS NOTED elsewhere that in studying Hebrew at CitizenCafe Tel Aviv, he gets exposed to a lot of Israeli pop culture. Listening to modern, secular folks discuss Hebrew – or speak or sing in Hebrew – carries with it these echoes of the Tanakh. It cannot but just as much modern English carries…