Author: Huw Raphael

  • Carlton your Doorman

    Carlton your Doorman

    What do we do when the enemies are really real?

  • Make you to shine

    Make you to shine

    What do we do when the enemies are really real?

  • A New Name

    A New Name

    A short vlog on changing my domain.

  • Enemies happen.

    Enemies happen.

    What do we do when the enemies are really real?

  • The Grey Fox Tho

    The Grey Fox Tho

    From an old dream journal (15 Aug 2008). Was living in Buffalo at the time. I had a curious dream last night: the first night I slept without either cold medication or sleeping assistance all week. It was the sort of dream that plays in one long story line – even though I woke up…

  • When does the Passion start?

    When does the Passion start?

    Today in our Julian Calendar parish, the Feast of the Annunciation coincided with the Sunday of the Holy Cross. This sparked this meditation on “When does the passion start?”

  • High Noon

    High Noon

    The prayer for “It’s the middle of the day and that guy in the next cubicle is about to get me fired.”

  • Continual Repentence

    Continual Repentence

    We say this Psalm All Day. Can it be lived that way?

  • Knowing God

    Knowing God

    On the Second Sunday of Lent we commemorate St Gregory Palamas. This is treated as a second Sunday of Orthodoxy, a reclarification of the Faith.

  • Say who now?

    Say who now?

    To whom does the Lord give the “instruction” (Torah)? (See Psalm 118/119:176)



    Meditating on the 1st Psalm of the 3rd Hour. Waking up to God’s Glory is all we need.

  • Crocheting Mandalas

    Crocheting Mandalas

    I made two of these crocheted circles in ’91 or ’92 while sitting in a very long, very boring staff meeting at 815 2nd Avenue in New York. There was a group of us that did needlework in the back row during staff meetings. The Presiding Bishop once commented that he knew he had made…

  • Sunday Reflection

    Sunday Reflection

    Our two priests were away and the community had a Typica Service today. I was blessed to give the reflection at this service. Troparion – Tone 1When the stone had been sealed by the Jews, while the soldiers were guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst rise on the third day, O Savior, granting life…

  • Fight the New Drug

    Fight the New Drug

    How do we purge all the sinners from the Lord’s City?

  • Just like a Spider

    Just like a Spider

    Are you spinning out your life like a spider or are you leaning relying on the only thing that is real?