


Back in the 80s, VoTech was like a HS that people went to when they did not want to go to college. (Think it’s the same now?) Because of this it was often depicted as a place for lesser achieving students. I bet they are earning tons more money than most of my college friends. And less debt.

VoDisc is where men are before Ordination.



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2 responses to “Vo-Disc”

  1. David Young Avatar
    David Young

    God grant you wisdom.
    I would have assumed that the EO churches and the ByzCath churches had the same phronema related to the issues you discussed. Why the differences, do you think? As an EO outsider to the ByzCath tradition, I assumed that the ByzCath folks wanted to be exactly like the EO folks. But what do I know?

    1. Huw Raphael Avatar

      There is what ByzCath looks like on the net, then there is the parish down the street, right?

      This is, I think, what we call “latinization” but it may also be just “Americanization” which can also creep in to Orthodox churches, of course. That’s why I commented about not-knowing what goes on in the “home countries”. But, by way of history…

      Vatican II said the Eastern Churches should utilize their Traditions to the fullest. JPII said the thing about “two lungs” and, in 1983, promulgated the Code of Canon Law of the Eastern Churches. That did two things: it set the Eastern Churches free of the Latin Canon Law AND, ironically, set up “Canon Law” as a very Latin thing indeed in the Eastern Churches.

      Prior to the middle of the last century, of course, the Eastern Churches, outside of their homelands and sometimes inside them, were subjected to really aggressive Latinization. Married priests were not allowed at ALL in America until this century. When certain priests were assigned to Melkite parishes in Lebanon they were “grossed out” by the spoon and so they only give communion by intinction even now. And now they think of it as “our ancient, valid tradition…” even in America – rather than as a Latin imposition. Rosaries… Stations of the Cross… Hearts. Vatican 2 and JP2 didn’t want to undo that. They just wanted to add more “Eastern Flavor” back to the mix. Like Charles marrying Diana to get more English Blood into the Royal Line again.

      Thus the whole “phronema as organic process” often defaults to a very Latin discussion of Ecclesial Rights, Duties, and functions. So there’s the same legalistic issues now – structurally encoded – in the Eastern Catholic Churches as Orthodox like to make fun of in the RCC generally. They want to be as much like the Orthodox as Possible, but, in the end, everything the Roman Church has done seems to set that up to be impossible.

      This should need to be the topic of my next discernment video, LOL.

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